Jeannette Barrientos
ISSA Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor

My Certifications

ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer

It's no secret - fitness training has been proven to prevent disease, strengthen your health and improve your confidence and outlook on life. As a certified fitness trainer, I'm deeply trained in everything from muscle mechanics to flexibility and cardiovascular dynamics. So if you want to live a stronger and more confident life, I've got the training and the expertise to help you every step of the way.

NFPT Multiple Sclerosis Fitness Specialist

The MS Fitness Training Specialist Course is an advanced specialty course that teaches certified personal trainers how to safely advise clients who live with multiple sclerosis in an encouraging and active way. 

500 Hours Yoga Training

Studies of multiple styles of yoga to teach in a group class or one on one session. Learning not just poses or asanas but also the history of yoga. 

Trauma informed yoga

 Learning to lead yoga in a compassionate and effective way by embracing trauma-informed practices. Creating a safe and nurturing environment for all students, respecting their unique journeys and avoiding retraumatization. Empowering students through choice and trust, fostering healing and emotional regulation. Trauma-informed yoga has taught me the skills to support individuals on their healing journeys, promoting resilience and self-compassion through mindful movement and breathwork. This is not a replacement for therapy or to be used to process trauma. As the teacher, I hold space for you and any processing should be counsulted with a mental health professional.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, a practice known as yogic sleep. By entering a state between wakefulness and sleep, you release tension and promote stress relief, cultivating self-awareness and a deeper connection with your inner self. This practice is a remedy for sleep disorders, fostering restful sleep, emotional healing, and the awakening of creativity and intuition.

Yoga Nidra also supports deep physical and energetic rejuvenation, balancing energy centers (chakras) and enhancing overall well-being. It provides a safe space to explore and release buried emotions, past traumas, and limiting beliefs, promoting a sense of wholeness and inner peace.